
Children are important to us at Cityview. We have multiple ministries for children from birth through grade six on Sunday mornings. There are also opportunities to serve. 

Children, grades K to 6, remain with their families during the Sunday morning musical worship time. Classes open during our congregational greeting time following our morning music/worship time. Children are free to stay and continue to worship with their parents during the message time.



NURSERY (Opens at 9:15am and runs for the entire service)

          Nursery ministry is provided on Sunday mornings for children birth through 24 months. Parents will find the nursery a safe and welcoming place for their young children to be while they attend worship.

PRESCHOOL (Opens at 9:15am and runs for the entire service)

          In addition to music, snack time, and play - the preschool class explores the love of God by hearing great stories from the bible and working on a craft or activity each week.

KIDS K-4 (Opens during our greeting time - which typically follows our musical worship time)

          Kids in kindergarten - 4th grade learn weekly about the Gospel, or the "Good News" about Jesus. The class is focused on learning how that good news is shared with us throughout the whole bible.

GRADES 5 & 6  (Opens during our greeting time - which typically follows our musical worship time)

          Middle School age children meet for a special class called Route 66, which is an age-appropriate survey through the 66 books of the bible. They learn the big picture of God's story as they the study                               his word together. This class will help these students form the over arching themes of the Bible in order to excite and encourage them to engage in personal Bible reading and study.



  • Nursery Helper (one Sunday morning per month)

    • email Tanya Miller:


  • PreSchool Class Helpers (one Sunday morning per month)

    • email Arla Jacoby:



VBS 2018

Here's a Slideshow of the fun we had this year.