Dennis and Sandra Carrington, Deacons

Dennis was born in Morelia, Michoacan Mexico and was raised in Chicago from an infant through his teen years.    He attended McHenry County Collge and graduated from Southern Ill Uninversity.
Sandra was born in Reading, Pa and was raised in Schuylkill Haven.  She attended Blue Mountain H.S. and has attended Lehigh Community and York College.

After meeting in a Chicago suburb and working various jobs in the area, Dennis and Sandra's journey brought them to marriage in Sandra's hometown in 1989.  They now live in York and have two grown children, Elijah and Valerie.  Sandra works as a Nursing Assistant in the Maternity ward of York Hospital.  Dennis worked as a Mechanical Designer for many years before starting his own business several years ago.

Sandra was raised Catholic, knew about God but never knew how to have a relationship with the Lord. Not until her late teens did a friend teach her about the relationship possible with the Lord. A few years later, after being in a lowly state, she called out to Him and accepted Christ into her heart. Dennis had heard the call many times in his life as people witnessed to him. He never heeded the call till it became evident that the Lord was showing him something.  He accepted Christ into his life in the summer of 1992.

They like being a part of Cityview, being God's hands and feet, and having a fervent love for one another.  They are excited to be a part of what the Lord is accomplishing through the gifts He has given to each of us to minister to one another and to glorify God.