

Covenant Membership is about more than attending church meetings. Members commit to joining a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a biblical degree of responsibility, service and sacrifice. Our elders and leaders pledge to assist our Covenant Members with care, counsel, prayer and teaching. 
We hope that, as the Lord leads, you make a covenant to be part of our church family. 

There are three steps in the membership process at Cityview: 

1) Attend our membership class “Together We Are Cityview”. In these sessions, we discuss what it means to be a Covenant Member and our beliefs and distinctives. Completing the classes does not obligate you to join, so if you want to learn more about Cityview, this is a good way to do that. If you want to join, this class is required. 

2) Once you’ve completed the Together We Are Cityview class, you may fill out the membership application and sign the Membership Covenant. 

3) When we receive your application, we’ll contact you to schedule a membership interview with one of our pastors and elders. This gives us a chance to get to know you a bit, hear how you came to faith in Christ, and for you to ask any additional questions about the church. 

After you’ve completed these steps, our elders review and approve the applications. On a regular basis, we welcome new members to our church during a service. 


Next Scheduled Membership Class:


Membership Covenant

Serving Handout